Tuesday, October 28, 2008
No, not really.
I have a fluorescent-yellow parka, a pants with gold dots on a silver ground, and so on(LAUGH).
Do you have any fashion magazines you check?
Yes, I have.
I'm buying at least 1 magazines every month.
My favorite one is, the magazine of something like 'complete collections of ○○', the one which is introducing many variations of 1 item.
I have little interest in the common 'this is the boom now!' ones.
For, I don't want to follow the boom.
In the morning, after you've changed your cloths, even if you think of your coordinate "this is different from what I meant", will you go out without changing?
For the present, let me say "NO".
For in case of me, after going out my home, when I see my figure mirrored on the show window, I usually think "it's weird"(LAUGH).
What I usually do is, rather than the mistake at the coordination, the misunderstanding of the season.
For example, I tried to go ahead of the season and went out with a short-sleeve shirt but it was still too cold.
Do you buy after trying carefully?
I seem to be more masculine than how I look, when I am given something "this size will be okay for you", most of the time I can't fit myself on it.
So, I try every time if possible.
You are rather the impulse buyer.
My motto is "when I want it I buy immediately. Once I am irresolute, it means I don't want it".
However, in fact I am the type who is fairly irresolute even at buying a T-shirt and I have such experiences to buy 2 pieces in different colors
or different sizes.
In fact, you have clothes finally never worn.
No.Though there are those I finally started wearing 1~2 years after I bought.
Have you given your clothes you won't wear anymore to your friends or juniors(*kouhai)?
Generally I have no clothes which are "I need not keep them anymore".
I am the type who is keeping all by myself as "eve if I don't wear not I will want to wear them 2~3 years later"(LAUGH).
When you have really favorite clothes or items, do you tend to wear only them?
I actually tend not to wear my favorite ones.
I want to wear them on the day "it's the very time!", but I don't have such days often.
Rather, even if such a day comes, I think too much such as "If I wear them today, they will be soiled", that all the less I can't wear.
How will you do if you coordinate girl's clothes?
I want to choose what I can't wear and 'they are just for girls' such as dress and skirt in general.
As girls' clothes varies more in colors and shapes than guys' ones, it looks fun as they can coordinate variously.
You have a confidence at keeping clothes such as ironing!
I never tried ironing by myself, but I am extremely good at folding clothes you know?
I can fold them to be looked like the ones sold at the store.
You have mimicked the clothes or items of the other members as you liked it.
But, Shige's tomato T-shirt.
I'm willing "I hope he will give it to me".
Do you have any clear preference about the clothes or colors which make you look good?
I have.
My favorite item is parkas, and my favorite colors are white, black, and yellow.
I don't like the clothes tightly fitting on my body and the cardigans.
You fairly like the cosplaying clothes such as the job uniforms, historical drama costumes and the ethnic clothes!
At first I didn't like them, but once I wore at the filming/photoshooting
(*we use the same Japanese word for both filming and photoshooting,that I just leave both here), it was unexpectedly fun.
For me, the cosplay of the nurse extremely became me, you know?(LAUGH)
Even if it is difficult to wear and take off such as lace-up boots, you will try hard to wear if you like it.
Yes.When I am in the mood to wear a shirt, even if there are 100 buttons I will wear!
You like your recent hairstyle!Well, for it I am extremely vagure-.I think "it may be okay", but I also think "I want to set it to be able to change more freely".
But, although it looks never changed, I am slightly adjusting a lot(LAUGH).
Credits to masuda_takahits
Not NEWS related
I love this song.
It kind of depicts my feelings and I enjoyed k8's performance in this.
Umi ni utsuru mo yureteta kedo
The moon also swayed in the reflection of the sea
Kaeranai itsumademo~
But it will never return
Kore ijou kizu tzukazu ni sunda
We wont create any more pain than this
Ashita wa shiawase kai?
Will we be happy tomorrow?
Ai no areru name ni hitomi nurete maameido
The mermaid’s eyes are wet by the stormy waves of love
Namida no hate made shizumu you
She seems to sink down to the end of her tears
Setsunai omoi ni imasara kizu kedo
We notice the heart breaking thoughts only now
Kokyuu ga tsuzukanai yo
We cant keep breathing
Kore ijou hikisakazu ni sunda
We wont be torn anymore than this
Ashita wo oyogu no kai?
I wonder if we’ll be able to swim through tomorrow?
Monday, October 27, 2008
NEWS New Album - Color
NEWS will be releasing a new album on the 19.11.2008 called Color.
Johnny's group NEWS started off the year on their NEWS CONCERT TOUR Pacific 2007-2008, and it's been nonstop bustle since with a tight schedule of group and solo achievements. The group released three top-charting singles, making them now second only to Kinki Kids for the record of longest streak of consecutive #1 singles since debut. Fans should be happy to know that NEWS will be ending the year the same way they started it: on tour. What's more, they're going to ring in 2009 at the Tokyo Dome as part of their nationwide 2008-2009 winter tour. New tour means new songs which is where NEWS' third album Color comes in!
First Press Limited Edition (JECN-0177) :

~ 32 page booklet
~14 songs
~¥3,000 (tax in)
- weeeek
- Forever
- ケセナイ Kisenai
- ordinary
- みんながいる世界をひとつに 愛をもっとGive & Takeしましょう The world where everyone is in one It will love more Give & Take
- ムラリスト Murarisuto
- 太陽のナミダ Taiyou no namida
- Smile Maker
- Happy Birthday
First Press Regular Edition (JECN-0178) :

~16 page booklet
~15 songs
~¥3,000 (tax in)
- weeeek
- Forever
- ケセナイ Kisenai
- ordinary
- みんながいる世界をひとつに 愛をもっとGive & Takeしましょう The world where everyone is in one It will love more Give & Take
- ムラリスト Murarisuto
- 太陽のナミダ Taiyou no namida
- Smile Maker
- Happy Birthday
- 永遠色の恋 Love of Eternal Color
Friday, October 24, 2008
"Hanamaru Cafe" (13 Oct, 2008) Nishikido Ryo as the guest

Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Message from NEWS: 'Happy Birthday' release commemorative special website
'Happy Birthday', I was willing to sing such a song.
As it's a special day! Surely we want to spend the day when ourselves were born in this world pleasantly.
If this song exists on such a day we can enjoy more! Our pleasure is doubled! This is such a song I think.
After your birth, there are lots of love around you, if you find it♥
I sing with such a wish. Please check it!
**◆Ryo Nishikido◆**
Everybody, please listen to 'Happy Birthday'.
No matter what season you are in, for someone's Happy Birthday, please play(*not 'sing' but play CD on the player) this song every time.
I am planning to play♥(*not 'sing' but play CD on the player)
That's all, by Ryo Nishikido.
**◆Keiichiro Koyama◆**
'Happy Birthday', is the song which can be sent to anyone in the world every day. As everyday is the Happy Birthday of anyone!
Although in our daily life, we rarely thank to people's birth. Once we sing or listen to this song, it will make us thank to the people around us for their birth.
This is a nice song to make us find the importance of the people around us!
**◆Shigeaki Kato◆**
As there are not many birthday songs I think, if this kind of the song exists, people will become lively at karaoke, won't they!?
I'm glad if 'Happy Birthday' will become a useful song for you all.
The recommended part to listen is, the part with half-melody and half-rap.
As you listen and listen, you will realize of it as a song just like NEWS I think!!
**◆Yuya Tegoshi◆**
Hi! Tegoshi desu.
'Happy Birthday', this is a really nice song!
No matter how old we become, for every one birthday is a precious anniversary.
Such a Happy Birthday♥
This is the song to sing on the precious day once a year.
I really wish you all will listen to 'Happy Birthday' on (*your) Happy Birthday.
**◆Takahisa Masuda◆**
'Happy Birthday' is the song about the birthday as the title says, and SEAMO-san made it for us!
It is really a cute song which express the celebration and thanks.
The coupling 'GANGANGANBATTE' is the song which melody is fashionable.
As I want to deliver it to lots of people with 'Happy Birthday', I want to sing somewhere such as at concerts!!
credits to masuda_takahits
Monday, October 13, 2008
totally not news related...
n duno why
i tink i can relate to the person that wrote this..
read this and tell me what you tink about it.
we are so the same somtimes
maybe that is why i love you so much
we feel so sad that it feels as though our hearts will break into a thousand pieces
i feel so sad that my heart feels that it's gona burst
but i cant seem to cry
are you like that too?
i really don't know what to do
i know how it feels like to be stuck in a place you hate everyday
when you think about it
feels like you sank a lil bit into
the ground
sinking to a new low right
i dont know
how long i can continue to live in a lie
like this
By newsshima at 2008-10-06
nway, i just came back from my eng camp
it was so dam fun!!!!
cant wait to see you and tell you everything about it!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Sakigake Ongaku Banzuke

Tegomasu talk about their debut in Sweden. They also both have to drink awful, bitter aojiru juice (much to Tegoshi's annoyance!) Tegoshi shows us his go-everywhere-with-him bowling glove thingy and gives us a 4 point lesson in how to bowl like a pro, but Massu really couldn't care less!
mediafire linkpswd : newsshima
Thursday, October 9, 2008
"Domoto Kyoudai" (5 October, 2008) Tegomasu part

Monday, October 6, 2008
Sunday, October 5, 2008
NEWS in MYOJO November 2008: Yamapi and Massu
Yamapi or Massu type text
10 questions will examine if you are Yamapi-typed person or Massu-typed person.
These 2 will give you advises to become HAPPY♥
Answer the questions from 1 to 10 and compare your answers to theirs.
The more you get similarities, your Yamapi-type or Massu-type is high.
If your Yamapi-type is high you are Yamapi-typed person, and if Massu-type is high you are Massu-typed person.
1. How are your clothes?
A: Plain and simple
B: Cute pattern and print
2. How is your hairstyle?
A: Change depend on the mood
B: Try to keep the same
3. How are you at shopping?
A: Decide quickly by the inspiration
B: Decide after careful comparison
4. What is your breakfast?
A: Rice
B: Bread
5. Do you like sweets?
A: Can't eat much
B: Tend to eat
6. Do you own pets?
A: Yes
B: No
7. Where do you go to swim?
A: Sea
B: Pool
8. What sports do you go to watch?
A: Ball game such as volleyball
B: Combative sport such as sumo
9. How are you at karaoke?
A: Sing actively
B: Rouse others singing
10. What will you do to relax?
A: Take a bath at spa
B: Concentrate on hobby
Yamapi's answer Massu's answer
cedits to masuda_takahits
NEWS - Happy Birthday, lyrics and translation
okane ja kaenai da kara koso
kimochi de tsutaeru takaramono
hazukashi garazu omedetou to
kotoba de yuu yore choudo
Wow Wow Wow yeah
Wow Wow Wow yeah Wow~
Wow Wow Wow Yeah
Wow Wow Wow Yeah Yeah
umareta koto Oh~
deaeta koto Oh~
ima soba ni ireru koto arigatou
ichinen ni ichido no mahou tokubetsu na hi
kyou wa ichinen ni ichido
juuyou no sekaiichi no
taisetsu na kimi no kinen bi
mata hitotsu kirei ni
toshi wo kasaneru koto wa
omoi de fuerutte koto de
dakara ureshii kotoba
kimi dake ni okuru yo hora
nan sen nan oku no naka de
kimi to aeta kono kiseki ga atte
konna chikaku ni iru shiawase
kimi no tameni utaeruyo
umareta koto Oh~
deaeta koto Oh~
ima soba ni ireru koto arigatou
ichinen ni ichido no mahou tokubetsu na hi
kimi ga iru kara waratte irareru
kyou wa itsumo yori sunao ni nareru
seken teki ni wa futsuu no hi
nani mo kawarazu utsuru noni
boku nitotte wa kuuki no
ari sae mo tokubetsu fuumi wo
tobikiri no egao ni ai tai
shikamettsura towa BYE BYE MY LOVE
kimi no tame ni okuru yo chikara no kagiri
ima made dore dake naita tte
ima waraeru shiawase ga atte
tomoni ireru kyou no HAPPY BIRTHDAY
kimi no tame ni utauyo
umareta koto Oh~
deaeta koto Oh~
ima soba ni ireru koto arigatou
ichinen ni ichido no mahou tokubetsu na hi
hitori ja koko ni irare nakatta yo kitto
rainen mo sarainen mo onaji hi kimi ni ai ni ikuyo
kamisama no PUREZENTO
kimi no mirai ni sachi are
umareta koto Oh~
deaeta koto Oh~
ima soba ni ireru koto arigatou
ichinen ni ichido no mahou tokubetsu na hi
Wow Wow Wow yeah
Wow Wow Wow yeah Wow~
Wow Wow Wow Yeah
Wow Wow Wow Yeah Yeah
Exactly because I can't buy them with money
Treasures that can be expressed by feelings
I'll say it in words, "Happy Birthday"
Without feeling embarrassed at exactly 12 midnight
WoW WoW Wow Yeah Yeah
WoW WoW Wow Yeah Yeah
WoW WoW Wow Yeah Yeah
WoW WoW Wow Yeah Yeah Yeah
For being born
For being able to meet you
That I can be by your side now
Thank you
A magical, special day that happens only once a year
Today is the momentous once-a-year anniversary
Of you who is the most important in the world
Yet another one in beauty
The piling up of years
Is the multiplication of memories
That's why I'll send beautiful words
Only to you, look!
I'm happy that in the many thousands and hundred millions
We could have such a miracle as our meeting
And be this near
I'll sing for you
Because you're here I can laugh
and be more honest than usual today
An ordinary day to the rest of the world
Fishing as per normal, yet
To me even the taste of the atmosphere has a special flavor
I especially want to meet your smile
Bye-bye to grimaces
With the extent of my power, I'll send you my love
How many times have you cried up till now
The happiness where we can laugh now is safe
Today's HAPPY BIRTHDAY where we can be together
I'll sing for you
I didn't leave you here alone
Definitely next year and the year after too
I'll go to meet you on the same day
A present from god
All the best for your future
Gan Gan Ganbatte kimi ni ageru
Agemasu~yo moratte kudasai
Come on! Come on! Come on!
Kimi ga waratte sugosu koto ga boku no Priority
Kaimono DEETO kimi no tame nara
Matsu no motsu mo Welcome desu
Damatte otoko wa shadou gawa desho
Okarada Gentlemen
Moshimo kimi ga yonderu yoru wa shuuden nakunattatte yeah yeah yeah
Jitensha notte yozora wo buttonde yuku kara
Gan Gan Ganbatte kimi ni ageru
Agemasu~yo moratte kudasai
Dan Dan Nanda ka tsukusu koto mo
Kaikan ni natte kitanda
Come on! Come on! Come on!
Kimi ga waratte sugosu koto ga boku no Priority
Settaichuu de mo kimi no tame nara
Narenai DEKOME kyuuai Dance
"Ima shuumatsu wa ryokou ikou ne"
Onsen kenmoto shiyou
Itsuka dare ni mo makenai ai de issei shiawase ni suru yeah yeah yeah
Mada muri kana? Zenzen muri demo naisho?
Gan Gan Ganbatte kimi ni ageru
Agemasu~yo moratte kudasai
Dan Dan Nanda ka tsukusu koto mo
Kaikan ni natte kitanda
Come on! Come on! Come on!
Kimi no soba de ikiru koto ga boku no Vitality
Gan Gan Ganbatte kimi ni ageru
Agemasu~yo moratte kudasai
Dan Dan Nanda ka tsukusu koto mo
Kaikan ni natte kitanda
Come on! Come on! Come on!
Kimi no soba de ikiru koto ga boku no Vitality
Come on! Come on! Come on!
Kimi ga waratte sugosu koto ga boku no Priority
Give me one more kiss Take me higher sky
Give me one more touch Bet me all your love
It's just a GAME of LOVE
nee sono hitomi no naka mada minu ore ga saachiraito terasare
You're searching for my intention
YES or NO kimerarenai tomadoi keshite
isso dou ni demo nare yo konya wa hanasanai
Give me one more kiss Take me higher sky
Don't be afraid It's just a GAME of LOVE
Give me one more touch Bet me all your love
It's just a GAME of LOVE
It's just a GAME of LOVE
aa mou modorenai jikan no sei ni shite
mimimoto de sasayaku suriru wo kanjite
Give & Take karada goto If you feel a sympathy
mou tomerarenai no sa tobikome yo In my heart
Give me one more kiss Take me higher sky
Don't be afraid It's just a GAME of LOVE
Give me one more touch Bet me all your love
It's just a GAME of LOVE
I know you wanna be with me through all the night
Come with me You don't need to be afraid of anything
You are the one for me It's a real thing
yoru ga akeru made nigasanai kara
Give me one more kiss Take me higher sky
Don't be afraid It's just a GAME of LOVE
Give me one more touch Bet me all your love
It's just a GAME of LOVE
It's just a GAME of LOVE
Give me one more kiss Take me higher sky
Don't be afraid It's just a GAME of LOVE
Give me one more touch Bet me all your love
It's just a GAME of LOVE
Give me one more kiss Take me higher sky
Don't be afraid It's just a GAME of LOVE
Give me one more touch Bet me all your love
It's just a GAME of LOVE
It's just a GAME of LOVE
Give me one more kiss Take me higher sky
Give me one more touch Bet me all your love
It's just a GAME of LOVE
Hey, inside of that eye, the still yet invisible me is illuminating a search light
You're searching for my intention
YES or NO, I can't decide, please erase the confusion
It'll become much more somehow, tonight I won't let go
Give me one more kiss Take me higher sky
Don't be afraid It's just a GAME of LOVE
Give me one more touch Bet me all your love
It's just a GAME of LOVE
It's just a GAME of LOVE
Ah, we can't return anymore, let's blame time
Whispher it closely to my ear, feel the thrill
Give & Take If you feel a sympathy throughout your body
I can't stop it anymore, jump in into my heart
Give me one more kiss Take me higher sky
Don't be afraid It's just a GAME of LOVE
Give me one more touch Bet me all your love
It's just a GAME of LOVE
I know you wanna be with me through all the night
Come with me You don't need to be afraid of anything
You are the one for me It's a real thing
Because until the night breaks I won't let you escape
Give me one more kiss Take me higher sky
Don't be afraid It's just a GAME of LOVE
Give me one more touch Bet me all your love
It's just a GAME of LOVE
It's just a GAME of LOVE
Give me one more kiss Take me higher sky
Don't be afraid It's just a GAME of LOVE
Give me one more touch Bet me all your love
It's just a GAME of LOVE
Give me one more kiss Take me higher sky
Don't be afraid It's just a GAME of LOVE
Give me one more touch Bet me all your love
It's just a GAME of LOVE
It's just a GAME of LOVE
credits to: aitamashii
rin rin tell me ni narihibiku
kikinareta yobidashi otonari tsuduku
korekara no chakushin ima kun to tsunagatteru tatta hitotsu ni shiyou
kimi no koe mimimoto de ima sugu ni demo kikitakute
tsutaetai hitokoto ima sugu ni kimi ni aitai
konya wa kimi no koe ga kikitakute
One Two Three Four kooru ga mimi no oku ni hibiiteru
bangou koukan shite sugu kaketakatta kedo
ichi shuukan tatte hajimete kakeru denwa
saisho ni nante iou kana mou kime rarenai
hisashiburi tte kinou atta jan ka
ore da kedo tte ore ja wakaranai ka
sore yori nande
nande kimi wa mada dete kurenai no
woo baby
konya wa kimi no koe ga kikitakute
One Two Three Four kooru ga mimi no oku ni hibiiteru
nankai mo narashiteru to shitsukoi to omowa reru
saigo ni ato nikai gurai narashite miyou
dare ka to atte iru no kana mou machikirenai
chakushin dake nokosu no moya dana
rusudentte nanka sukoshi nigate dashi
sore yori konna
konnani ore tte bukiyou datta kana
woo baby
moshimoshi ore da kedo tte
denwa goshi ja mune ga dokidoki de
kokoro no naka hare tokodoki hare
konna ore no kimochi kun ni todoke (Oh baby)
ore kara no messeeji uketotte kure kimi dake ni (Oh Baby)
tsutaetai hitokoto ima sugu ni kimi ni aitai
chakushin dake nokosu no moya dana
rusuden ttena n ka sukoshi nigate dashi
sore yori hontou
honto wa ima sugu aitai dake sa
Woo baby
credits to : heroismine
[Music Station] 3 Oct, 2008 NEWS talk & "Happy Birthday"

Credits to Newshfan
Mediafire link : here
Saturday, October 4, 2008
NEWSmile the renewed theme #1: 'The most recent episode with members'
Konban Masuda Takahits-.
How are you?
As it became cooler the temperature is comfortable.
As we are in autumn for the appetite, I will eat a lot.
Recently we spend time together for rehearsal and arrangement.
Let's make it a fun time together ♥ Look forward it♥
I need to mention about the recent condition with members! The other day, I rode on the Ferris wheel with Tegoshi.
The Ferris wheel scares when the ride comes to the side edge, doesn't it!?
It was unexpectedly scary that we two were restless(LAUGH)
But it was fun. Let's ride on it again if we have a time.
I'm looking forward the day we can sing 'Happy Birthday' together.
Then, see you again soon♥ Thank you♥
credits to masuda_takahits
Friday, October 3, 2008
News - Happy Birthday (single)