Friday, October 24, 2008

"Hanamaru Cafe" (13 Oct, 2008) Nishikido Ryo as the guest

Ryo on Hanamaru cafe talks about how he first joined johnny's and how short he was till he suddenly hit a growth shoot. Later, he reveals his secret for why he is so thin and comments on how girly he looks when he is shown a younger picture of himself. Then, he describes a few members of news and kanjani 8 who he thinks hates to lose the most, most methodical and most feminine. Lastly, he provides viewers some insight on his personal life and the habits of the type of girl he likes.

Throughout the show his uncertain answers and shyness is highlighted

My favourite part is when he is asked about whether he likes laundry "Like it? Well... I don't really... Or... Well... Which... Um..."
mediafire link : part 1 , part 2
pswd : newsshima
credits to newshfan