Yamapi's ANSWER
1-A "I like simple ones, to mention color I like monotone ones of black and white. When I choose T shirt, unconsciously I choose white one. Somehow, it fits me."
2-A "I change my hairstyle often. But, I don't change by my mood. Depend on the role at the drama, I change it to fit its image. It is one of my creation of the character."
3-A "At shopping, I don't go with an intention "I will buy that one", but I shop once I get an inspiration when I find at the store, that I generally decide quickly. I don't spend much time for shopping, I usually finish within 10 or 15 minutes."
4-A "When I am busy, I just eat onigiri at the workplace. For the ingredient I like mentaiko(cod roe with red pepper)."
5-A "I I ocaaasionally eat. I take chocolate at the filming place of the drama when I am tired. But, I never happen to eat too much~."
6-A "I have 2 dogs. If I get a new pet, I have some interest to break my faith and have a cat, but still dogs are cute. When I see their action and appearance, I feel like feeling the feelings of dogs."
7-A "Well, I go to sea for surfing rather than swimming though. When to swim to train body, pool would be better, but I like the landscape, sound, and the atmosphere of the sea."
8-B "I like both though-. But, if I am needed to choose, I may choose the combative sport. Sumo sounds interesting, but I want to watch K-1 too."
9-A "When I go with my close friends, I consing actively. Kobukuro, Southern All Stars, and I usually sing Kinki Kids-san too-. But, if there is someone who hasn't understood each other yet, I don't express myself that much but observe(LAUGH)."
10-A: "Spa is nice. I am healed. I like Kenko Land(*public bath with various kinds of bath tub and water) and day-use spa too, but I want to stay at (*Japanese style) hotel with spa. With members, I go to spa during concert tour, but it must be nice if we all go to travel for spa♪"
[For you whose Yamapi-type was higher]
"As I, spend my time happily anytime, every day, you who have more Yamapi-type must be happy too! If you don't feel happy, I will tell you 'the hint to enjoy the life' which I am doing. That is, to autosuggest it! If you don't think "I don't want to study" but autosuggest "wao, my study is really fun~♪", it may become actually enjoyable(LAUGH)"
Massu's ANSWER
1-B "Rather than simple ones, I prefer patterned and flashy ones. But still it doesn't mean that I like all the patterned ones. Among the patterned ones less than simple ones, I can find very few ones with my preference. So, my happiness at the encounter with the rare one is more than usual that I can't stop going to shop clothes."
2-B "I used to try various hairstyle sometimes, but I think this hairstyle fits me the best. Hairstyle changes the image of oneself too. As I don't want to change the image of myself, I am keeping this hair for a long time."
3-B "I am fairly irresolute if I really want it and if I should buy it. Then, if I can't decide about something, I am trying not to buy it by considering it to be the unnecessary one for me at that time."
4-B "If I don't eat my breakfast, I can't feel the beginning of the day. So I am always trying to eat it. But as I can't eat heavy meal such as rice and fish, I am trying to eat one sweet roll."
5-B "More than usually, if it is in front of me, I don't miss eating(LAUGH). The most attractive one to my desire for sweet is, the ice cream with chocolate chip. This is the last one I can stop. In addition I feel like getting energy by eating sweets."
6-B "As I don't like animals so much, I have no plan to have any pets.... If I try to own, I will choose miniature dachshund. Well, as everybody say it's cute."
7-B "I like to swim hard then float when I become tired♥"
8-A "I watch combative sport too, but I prefer ball game. Among all, I really like volleyball from since I worked as a special supporter in past!"
9-B "As I don't go to karaoke-. I would rather sit and listen to others singing."
10-B "The time with my hobby, shopping clothes & listening to music is the time I can fairly relax. If I can't do that, I can't reset my life."
[For you whose Massu-type was higher]
"You are the type who won't be influenced by others and who can stay your life quietly. As you have the same preference with me, if we stay together, we will become a HAPPY relationship. However, you may be, unfortunately, poor at working with others, that if you are needed to work as a group, pay atten to your work. You have to be a person who can understand the atmosphere."
Saturday, January 5, 2008