Are your private cloths usually plain?
No, not really.
I have a fluorescent-yellow parka, a pants with gold dots on a silver ground, and so on(LAUGH).
Do you have any fashion magazines you check?
Yes, I have.
I'm buying at least 1 magazines every month.
My favorite one is, the magazine of something like 'complete collections of ○○', the one which is introducing many variations of 1 item.
I have little interest in the common 'this is the boom now!' ones.
For, I don't want to follow the boom.
In the morning, after you've changed your cloths, even if you think of your coordinate "this is different from what I meant", will you go out without changing?
For the present, let me say "NO".
For in case of me, after going out my home, when I see my figure mirrored on the show window, I usually think "it's weird"(LAUGH).
What I usually do is, rather than the mistake at the coordination, the misunderstanding of the season.
For example, I tried to go ahead of the season and went out with a short-sleeve shirt but it was still too cold.
Do you buy after trying carefully?
I seem to be more masculine than how I look, when I am given something "this size will be okay for you", most of the time I can't fit myself on it.
So, I try every time if possible.
You are rather the impulse buyer.
My motto is "when I want it I buy immediately. Once I am irresolute, it means I don't want it".
However, in fact I am the type who is fairly irresolute even at buying a T-shirt and I have such experiences to buy 2 pieces in different colors
or different sizes.
In fact, you have clothes finally never worn.
No.Though there are those I finally started wearing 1~2 years after I bought.
Have you given your clothes you won't wear anymore to your friends or juniors(*kouhai)?
Generally I have no clothes which are "I need not keep them anymore".
I am the type who is keeping all by myself as "eve if I don't wear not I will want to wear them 2~3 years later"(LAUGH).
When you have really favorite clothes or items, do you tend to wear only them?
I actually tend not to wear my favorite ones.
I want to wear them on the day "it's the very time!", but I don't have such days often.
Rather, even if such a day comes, I think too much such as "If I wear them today, they will be soiled", that all the less I can't wear.
How will you do if you coordinate girl's clothes?
I want to choose what I can't wear and 'they are just for girls' such as dress and skirt in general.
As girls' clothes varies more in colors and shapes than guys' ones, it looks fun as they can coordinate variously.
You have a confidence at keeping clothes such as ironing!
I never tried ironing by myself, but I am extremely good at folding clothes you know?
I can fold them to be looked like the ones sold at the store.
You have mimicked the clothes or items of the other members as you liked it.
But, Shige's tomato T-shirt.
I'm willing "I hope he will give it to me".
Do you have any clear preference about the clothes or colors which make you look good?
I have.
My favorite item is parkas, and my favorite colors are white, black, and yellow.
I don't like the clothes tightly fitting on my body and the cardigans.
You fairly like the cosplaying clothes such as the job uniforms, historical drama costumes and the ethnic clothes!
At first I didn't like them, but once I wore at the filming/photoshooting
(*we use the same Japanese word for both filming and photoshooting,that I just leave both here), it was unexpectedly fun.
For me, the cosplay of the nurse extremely became me, you know?(LAUGH)
Even if it is difficult to wear and take off such as lace-up boots, you will try hard to wear if you like it.
Yes.When I am in the mood to wear a shirt, even if there are 100 buttons I will wear!
You like your recent hairstyle!Well, for it I am extremely vagure-.I think "it may be okay", but I also think "I want to set it to be able to change more freely".
But, although it looks never changed, I am slightly adjusting a lot(LAUGH).
Credits to masuda_takahits