Saturday, October 4, 2008

NEWSmile the renewed theme #1: 'The most recent episode with members'

October 1, 2008 ◆ by Takahisa Masuda ◆

Konban Masuda Takahits-.

How are you?
As it became cooler the temperature is comfortable.

As we are in autumn for the appetite, I will eat a lot.

Recently we spend time together for rehearsal and arrangement.

Let's make it a fun time together ♥ Look forward it♥

I need to mention about the recent condition with members! The other day, I rode on the Ferris wheel with Tegoshi.

The Ferris wheel scares when the ride comes to the side edge, doesn't it!?
It was unexpectedly scary that we two were restless(LAUGH)

But it was fun. Let's ride on it again if we have a time.

I'm looking forward the day we can sing 'Happy Birthday' together.

Then, see you again soon♥ Thank you♥

credits to masuda_takahits